Pacific Payroll has partnered with Processing for Good, and here’s why- low processing rates and community giving!
Here’s how… Businesses submit a statement of their regular processing fees. Then Processing for Good goes to work to look at all the number, and come back with a proposal that gives more money back to your business and how you can impact your community. They are with you every step of the way with quality customer support and a seamless transition. At the end of the year, they will send you an impact report highlighting how your business helped the local community.
“We are on a mission to give $1,000,000 back to the local community − your friends and neighbors − through local non-profits.

We are creating massive positive change, while lowering the cost to process credit cards for our customers.”
As a member of the local BNI chapter, Processing for Good is already working with a variety of business across our community.

Alan has taken his quest to do good a step further with a fundraiser to support the American Red Cross. When it comes to networking and using those connections to make an impact, there is no limit to what we can do.
To support the American Red Cross fundraiser, just follow this link, and to find out more about Processing for Good and how they can help your business, please visit their website to get started today!